Konu: Love Poemsss
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Alt 15.03.07, 09:48
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Kaydolma: 28.08.06
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I Want Our Relationship to Last

I thought I would never
find the right person
to love
until I met you
And since I have
always thought that
love is the most
important part of my life
I want our love
to last and
to be as beautiful
as it is now
I want our love
to be the backbone
of our lives forever

Our love came naturally
but I know that
we must both work
at making it last
so I will try my hardest
at all times
to be fair and honest with you
I will strive for my own goals
and help you achieve yours
I will always try
to understand you
I will always
let you know what I am thinking
I will always
try to support you
I will try
to successfully blend
our lives together
with enough freedom
to grow as individuals
I will always
consider each day
with you special
Regardless of
what events
occur in our lives
I will make
sure that our
relationship flourishes
as I will always
love and respect you

-Poem by Susan Polis Schutz
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