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  #419 (permalink)  
Alt 10.06.10, 14:40
SeheRocK - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
Acemi Baykuş
Kaydolma: 20.10.09
Kadın - 33
Mesajlar: 96
Teşekkürler: 40
Üyeye 24 kez teşekkür edildi
Standart Cevap: ŞuanDa DinLediqiniz ŞarkıDan Bir cümLe yazın..

You are one of god's mistakes
You crying, tragic waste of skin
I'm well aware of how it aches
And you still won't let me in
Now I'm breaking down your door
To try and save your swollen face
Though I don't like you anymore
You lying, trying waste of space...
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