22.05.10, 13:26
My Perfect Circle
Kaydolma: 28.08.09
- 34
Mesajlar: 4.346
Teşekkürler: 379
Üyeye 847 kez teşekkür edildi
Cevap: inqiLizce öDevi yaRdııım :D
Hemen bebeğim
When i got back home,he had already brought my book.
Don't break the vase !
When a dog bites a man it's not an interesting news,but when a man bites a dog,it's really interesting.
I choose you Pikaçu !
This skirt costs too much for me to buy.
Let's draw a portait !
Dream on untill your dream comes true !
Did you feed the cat ?
I still feel the pain.Can't you do something to ease my pain doctor ?
I can forgive you only if you bring my video game back !
Hayrını gör!